In english

Here you will find information about Vejen Kommunes Public Libraries.  Vejen Kommunes Public Libraries holds a collection of books, music, films, games, newspapers, magazines and much more.

We offer this in several different languages to accommodate your needs.

The library’s services are available to everyone. Membership is free and with a library card you have access to the whole collection.

The Library can, however, charge you for printouts, photocopies, and other special services

Library card

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In order to register at the library, you need to apply in person - remember to bring  your health insurance card - or online using your MIT-ID.

As a registered user of the library, you can log onto our website using your CPR-number (library card number) and your pin number. You can also se your account information and reserve and renew loans.



Rules - short

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  • You are responsible for any item borrowed on your card.
  • If you lose your card, please inform the library staff at once in order to avoid misuse.
  • If you change your name, email, phonenumber or move to another address, please inform the staff.
  • Borrowing is free. However, there are charges for loaned items that are overdue.
  • Most library items are on loan for a period for 30 days.

Library charges

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Borrowing is free. However, there are charges for loaned items that are overdue. Your loans can be renewed up to 5 times if there are no outstanding reservations attached.

Most library items are on loan for a period for 30 days. If an item is overdue you will be charged according to our current regulations. Please read the regulations.

Computer, Internet and printer

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PC usage and access to the Internet is free. We also offer access wireless internet, so you can bring your laptop. 

You can print from PC or smartphone, for a small cost.

This is not a complete English version of the Danish website, but information about the organisation and an introduction to our services.